set -e Green_font_prefix="\033[32m" Red_font_prefix="\033[31m" Green_background_prefix="\033[42;37m" Red_background_prefix="\033[41;37m" Font_color_suffix="\033[0m" INFO="[${Green_font_prefix}INFO${Font_color_suffix}]" ERROR="[${Red_font_prefix}ERROR${Font_color_suffix}]" TMATE_SOCK="/tmp/tmate.sock" TELEGRAM_LOG="/tmp/telegram.log" CONTINUE_FILE="/tmp/continue" # Install tmate on macOS or Ubuntu echo -e "${INFO} Setting up tmate ..." if [[ -n "$(uname | grep Linux)" ]]; then curl -fsSL | bash elif [[ -x "$(command -v brew)" ]]; then brew install tmate else echo -e "${ERROR} This system is not supported!" exit 1 fi # Generate ssh key if needed [[ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N "" # Run deamonized tmate echo -e "${INFO} Running tmate..." tmate -S ${TMATE_SOCK} new-session -d tmate -S ${TMATE_SOCK} wait tmate-ready # Print connection info TMATE_SSH=$(tmate -S ${TMATE_SOCK} display -p '#{tmate_ssh}') TMATE_WEB=$(tmate -S ${TMATE_SOCK} display -p '#{tmate_web}') MSG=" *GitHub Actions - tmate session info:*
⚡ *CLI:* \`${TMATE_SSH}\`
🔔 *TIPS:* Run '\`touch ${CONTINUE_FILE}\`' to continue to the next step. "
if [[ -n "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}" && -n "${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}" ]]; then echo -e "${INFO} Sending message to Telegram..." curl -sSX POST "${TELEGRAM_API_URL:-}/bot${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage" \ -d "disable_web_page_preview=true" \ -d "parse_mode=Markdown" \ -d "chat_id=${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}" \ -d "text=${MSG}" >${TELEGRAM_LOG} TELEGRAM_STATUS=$(cat ${TELEGRAM_LOG} | jq -r .ok) if [[ ${TELEGRAM_STATUS} != true ]]; then echo -e "${ERROR} Telegram message sending failed: $(cat ${TELEGRAM_LOG})" else echo -e "${INFO} Telegram message sent successfully!" fi fi
while ((${PRT_COUNT:=1} <= ${PRT_TOTAL:=10})); do SECONDS_LEFT=${PRT_INTERVAL_SEC:=10} while ((${PRT_COUNT} > 1)) && ((${SECONDS_LEFT} > 0)); do echo -e "${INFO} (${PRT_COUNT}/${PRT_TOTAL}) Please wait ${SECONDS_LEFT}s ..." sleep 1 SECONDS_LEFT=$((${SECONDS_LEFT} - 1)) done echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "To connect to this session copy and paste the following into a terminal or browser:" echo -e "CLI: ${Green_font_prefix}${TMATE_SSH}${Font_color_suffix}" echo -e "URL: ${Green_font_prefix}${TMATE_WEB}${Font_color_suffix}" echo -e "TIPS: Run 'touch ${CONTINUE_FILE}' to continue to the next step." echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" PRT_COUNT=$((${PRT_COUNT} + 1)) done
while [[ -S ${TMATE_SOCK} ]]; do sleep 1 if [[ -e ${CONTINUE_FILE} ]]; then echo -e "${INFO} Continue to the next step." exit 0 fi done
while ((${SECONDS_LEFT:=10} > 0)); do echo -e "${INFO} Please wait ${SECONDS_LEFT}s ..." sleep 1 SECONDS_LEFT=$((${SECONDS_LEFT} - 1)) done
ERRORS_LOG=$(grep "command failed" ${LOG_FILE})
if [[ -e "${LOG_FILE}" && -z "${ERRORS_LOG}" ]]; then SSH_CMD="$(grep -oE "tcp://(.+)" ${LOG_FILE} | sed "s/tcp:\/\//ssh ${USER}@/" | sed "s/:/ -p /")" MSG=" *GitHub Actions - ngrok session info:*
⚡ *CLI:* \`${SSH_CMD}\`
🔔 *TIPS:* Run '\`touch ${CONTINUE_FILE}\`' to continue to the next step. " if [[ -n "${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}" && -n "${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}" ]]; then echo -e "${INFO} Sending message to Telegram..." curl -sSX POST "${TELEGRAM_API_URL:-}/bot${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage" \ -d "disable_web_page_preview=true" \ -d "parse_mode=Markdown" \ -d "chat_id=${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}" \ -d "text=${MSG}" >${TELEGRAM_LOG} TELEGRAM_STATUS=$(cat ${TELEGRAM_LOG} | jq -r .ok) if [[ ${TELEGRAM_STATUS} != true ]]; then echo -e "${ERROR} Telegram message sending failed: $(cat ${TELEGRAM_LOG})" else echo -e "${INFO} Telegram message sent successfully!" fi fi while ((${PRT_COUNT:=1} <= ${PRT_TOTAL:=10})); do SECONDS_LEFT=${PRT_INTERVAL_SEC:=10} while ((${PRT_COUNT} > 1)) && ((${SECONDS_LEFT} > 0)); do echo -e "${INFO} (${PRT_COUNT}/${PRT_TOTAL}) Please wait ${SECONDS_LEFT}s ..." sleep 1 SECONDS_LEFT=$((${SECONDS_LEFT} - 1)) done echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "To connect to this session copy and paste the following into a terminal:" echo -e "${Green_font_prefix}$SSH_CMD${Font_color_suffix}" echo -e "TIPS: Run 'touch ${CONTINUE_FILE}' to continue to the next step." echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------" PRT_COUNT=$((${PRT_COUNT} + 1)) done else echo "${ERRORS_LOG}" exit 4 fi
while [[ -n $(ps aux | grep ngrok) ]]; do sleep 1 if [[ -e ${CONTINUE_FILE} ]]; then echo -e "${INFO} Continue to the next step." exit 0 fi done